A day where we step back into time and celebrate Lou Bunch.

Who is Lou Bunch?

Let us start with a quick history lesson for those of you who may not know about the most exciting mining town in Colorado!

It all started in 1859 when a man called John Gregory found gold in the area that we call Gregory Diggings today. I am guessing that he was not good at keeping a secret, because within a year they say, that over 10,000 “gold diggers” were on the mountain trying the best they could to make a fortune.

Men looked for fortune in the rocks and women looked for fortune in the pockets of the men! And let’s face it, the men of Central City mining days worked hard in the mines all day and worked harder spending that hard earned money at night in the saloons and brothels.

This is where our Girls come in, first I must say this. The mountain was not at all an easy place to live. the Fancey houses were not yet built. the only water came from a stream where everyone bathed, washed clothes and well…. did other things that polluted it. It was dirty, cold and harsh.

This stopped most women of Victorian times away. But not out Sporting House Girls! It was only the most determined girls who came to Central City to “entertain” the men. They came determined to make a fortune off of the men working the mines. In time one of these girls became a tough as nails Madam who ran Central City’s most Famous Brothel, Lou Bunch.

Lou was a woman who lived a most impressive life, many books have been written about her. (you can find copies around Central City when you visit). She was known not only for being a brothel owner, but she was also a humanitarian.

Central City suffered several tragic events throughout the years that Lou lived here. In the time of these illnesses or accidents, Lou would open her “house of ill repute” as a hospital. Girls would work as a prostitute one day and be a nurse to sick men the next. Often saving the lives of these men and sometimes women and children.

Lou and her girls thrived in Central City for many years.

In the 1970’s the City of Central created a Celebration a Holiday if you will in Honor of Lou.

Lou Bunch Day !!!!!!!!! MY FAVORITE DAY OF THE YEAR !!!!!

2025 will mark the 51st Lou Bunch Day !!!!!!!

Basically everyone dresses up like either Dandy Dan ( wealthy men )- Miners ( working men ) -Ladies ( wealthy women) -Brothel workers ( girls or Madams ) .

We used to have a group called The Sporting House Girls for many many, many years this group danced and entertained visitors to Central City .

There were just a few times that we ….. i don’t want to ruffle any feathers…. but we got a little wild, and things happened and well. We retired and some of the young ones started a new group who dance on main street during Lou Bunch Day.